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Jordan Castillo Price
Royal Assassin
Robin Hobb
Jordan L. Hawk
Alif the Unseen
G. Willow Wilson
Lord John And The Hand Of Devils
Diana Gabaldon
Poison Study
Maria V. Snyder
Looks Over
Rose Christo
Networking for People Who Hate Networking: A Field Guide for Introverts, the Overwhelmed, and the Underconnected
Devora Zack
The Old Man and the Sea
Ernest Hemingway
The Virgin Suicides
Jeffrey Eugenides

I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was: How to Discover What You Really Want and How to Get It

I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was: How to Discover What You Really Want and How to Get It - 'Barbara Sher',  'Barbara Smith' I'm removing this from my currently reading list, because it isn't a book you just read. You need to work your way through it at your own pace while doing the excersises and thinking about your choices and past and everything that has led you here, where you are now. My thoughts in general so far: The author comes with great excersises thoughout that really helps readers identify the the things they find imortant, and elliminate all the negativity and pressure they have been bombarded with all their lives, from family or teachers or even friends. What I found most useful so far, is the excersise 'Job from hell' in which the reader must describe the worst job they can imagine and change it into the opposite.